Wholesale Engineer Koery Nelson and Network Technician Mark Christensen used their new skills and training to splice a 288-strand fiber optic cable in Helena MT.
Both employees earned their Fiber Optic Association (FOA) certification at the Fiber Optic Specialist, Splicing and Testing (CFOS/S/T) training in February 2020. They also used this opportunity to share their knowledge and skills with Vision Net technicians Ed Pengilly and Jimi Gilles.
What would normally be a task contracted out can now be performed by our own employees. The newly spliced fiber optic cable will be a critical piece to our Helena Metro network.
“We are excited to have this resource and expertise available from our own employees. Not only will this be a great benefit for Vision Net, but it provides an opportunity for our technicians to expand their skills and talents. Great work gentlemen!” – Lee Kimmet, Wholesale Services Manager.