Rocky Boy’s 9-1-1 System Upgrade with Vision Net: A Case Study in Next-Gen Technology

Rocky Boy Law Enforcement was facing challenges with an outdated call-taking system that had limited capabilities. They turned to Vision Net, a trusted local provider with headquarters in Great Falls, Montana, to implement their advanced 9-1-1 call-taking solution.  

Client Needs and Vision Net Advantages  

Rocky Boy Law Enforcement sought to replace their outdated call-taking system with one offering advanced features. The new system addressed their needs perfectly, providing:  

·         Improved Mapping: Integrated mapping for better dispatch accuracy.  

·         Advanced Analytics: A powerful platform to analyze call data for informed decision-making.  

·         Next-Gen Ready: Designed for NG9-1-1, handling text, video, and data from various sources.  

·         Space-Saving Efficiency: Smaller servers with lower power consumption.  

Challenges and Vision Net’s Support  

The biggest challenge was integrating Rocky Boy’s existing mapping data into the new system. Vision Net’s PSAP team collaborated with local authorities to ensure seamless data transfer. “Vision Net’s understands the importance of a smooth transition for emergency service providers. We worked closely with Rocky Boy to ensure the new system integrated seamlessly with their existing workflows.” said Bill Daniels, Vision Net’s 9-1-1 Supervisor.  

Direct Purchase Benefits  

By purchasing directly from Vision Net, Rocky Boy benefited from:  

·         Favorable Pricing: Competitive pricing, allowing access to advanced features at a substantially lower cost.  

·         Local Support: Direct access to Vision Net’s Montana-based team for ongoing support and maintenance.  “Customer service is key, and if your support is coming from another state, it could mean delays fixing your system when there are problems. Being right here in Great Falls, Vision Net can roll anywhere in the state at a moment’s notice.”  

·         Future Control: Peace of mind with a 5-year service and maintenance plan, ensuring system reliability and NG9-1-1 readiness.  

Seamless Transition and Training  

Vision Net addressed Rocky Boy’s concerns regarding training and system transition smoothly:  

·         Comprehensive Training: Provided experienced trainers familiar with dispatcher needs.  

·         Zero-Downtime Cutover: A seamless transition with no interruption to emergency services.  

Meeting Objectives and Beyond  

The project successfully achieved its primary objective of replacing the outdated system. Additionally, Rocky Boy gained valuable features like integrated mapping and advanced analytics.  

Next-Gen Capabilities  

The new system positions Rocky Boy for the future of emergency response with its:  

·         Digital Infrastructure: Designed for SIP technology, enabling efficient data transfer.  

·         Multi-media Support: Ready to handle text, video, and data from various sources.  

·         Advanced Network Integration: Seamless connection with Montana’s existing ESINet network.  

Overcoming Legacy System Limitations  

The VIPER system replaced a system that no longer met the evolving needs of a modern PSAP. Now, Rocky Boy can:  

·         Integrate with various dispatch and recording systems.  

·         Send data to multiple sources for enhanced situational awareness.  

Ensuring User Adoption  

Vision Net ensured a smooth transition by:  

·         Understanding Client Needs: Conducting a site survey to assess existing infrastructure and workflows.  

·         Collaborative Design: Working with Rocky Boy to design an interface tailored to their needs.  

Technical Expertise  

Vision Net’s experience played a crucial role in:  

·         Facilitating Transition: Simplifying the transition from the old system to the new one.  

·         Technical Integration: Ensuring seamless integration with Rocky Boy’s existing systems and power infrastructure.  

Customization for Success  

Mapping data customization was a key factor in the project’s success. Vision Net ensured timely, relevant, and user-friendly data display for dispatchers.  

Improved Communication  

The focus on customer service throughout the project resulted in:  

·         Strong Client Relationship: Ongoing support and communication throughout the process.  

·         Enhanced Situational Awareness: Integrated mapping for faster and more accurate dispatch.  

Public Safety Enhancement  

The new system has demonstrably improved public safety:  

·         Reliable System: Confidence in a stable and secure call-taking system.  

·         Proven Performance: Flawless operation during a critical incident soon after implementation. Just one night after go-live, the VIPER system was put to the test responding to a tragic double homicide incident. “The system performed flawlessly.”  

Lessons Learned and Recommendations  

Rocky Boy’s experience offers valuable insights for other organizations considering similar upgrades:  

·         GIS Data Update: Prioritize updating GIS data for accurate NG9-1-1 call routing.  

·         Local Support: Seek reliable vendors with local presence for prompt technical assistance.  

Empowering Public Safety  

The partnership between Rocky Boy Law Enforcement and Vision Net, fortified by the implementation of the VIPER 9-1-1 call-taking system, stands as a testament to the transformative potential of modern technology in enhancing public safety and emergency response readiness.